Nationwide Live-in Care Services

International Holiday Care

Live-in care jobs

Apply Here

Application Form

We are looking for people to work with our diverse range of spinally injured clients, who are as individual as you are and looking to live life as independently as possible.

This is a fulfilling opportunity to gain valuable work experience or make a new career. Start on £987* per week and genuinely help someone else make the most of their lives, living independently in their own home.

Our vacancies are for live-in work in the UK however we recruit from countries across the world. This application process is FREE

*Based on £141 per day

If you have any recruitment/training queries, please call John Hardy on: 020 7617 7894

Click here to complete an Origin Carer Application Form

Before you spend time completing the application form, please be aware that you must meet certain criteria to apply:

  • Be aged 21-55*
  • You must be able to work legally in the UK (eg. By being a UK, having EU settlement status, having a Working Holiday Visa or UK Ancestral Visa).

  • You must hold a current, full driving licence which allows you to legally drive in the UK. Your driving licence needn’t be a UK issued licence. You do not need to own your own vehicle..

  • Be prepared to undertake live-in work.
  • Be able to commit to work for Origin for a minimum 3 month period.

*This post is exempt from the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 as per section 8(2).